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Distorted Grace Only Folly

Faith is when you believe in what God says is true.

You need to know about grace and believe in the grace of God; but because you believe in the grace of God doesn't mean the grace of God is working in your life. It just means that you have

a doctrine that you believe in. If I want grace for healing I have to believe that Jesus bore my sicknesses and diseases on the cross I have to believe that when he was raised from the dead

that he overcome those sicknesses and diseases and because I am in Him then that healing is mine.  So if I believe that then my faith is in the finished work of Jesus then AUTOMATICALLY the

grace of God manifests in my life.  God's power, his compassion his grace and all that is attained by unmerited favor.  Faith is not me earning it from God; Faith is me believing/trusting

in what God has done.  I can not receive something I do not believe in.  I'm not believing for the grace to get healed.  I'm believing that Jesus took care of healing on the cross.  Same

with salvation. Righteousness is imputed to me. And all things that Jesus has I have access to because I am in Jesus.

The grace of God goes to work inside me to make the promises manifest in my life because I believe in the finished work of Jesus.

Faith and grace are the two components whereby heaven and earth connect.  The faith is my part.  The grace is God's part.  Faith is my believing that God did his part first.

It is the gift of God not of works lest any man whould boast.  Turning faith into works is not good.  Am I doing something to get God to respond to my prayers?  That is legalism.


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