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If It Is God's Will To Heal Then Why Did This Person Not Get Healed By Christian Number 1?

This article was taken from a post Steve Harmon made about two years ago which illustrates what most Christians pray and expect when they pray for healing.  And the result is nothing.  He explains why:

When I was at this church, there was this lady who had a horrible migraine. It was so bad that she had to get injections to numb the pain. After church was over, she was leaving and a Christian prayed for her. I knew this lady was not going to get healed when this Christian prayed. The reason was because of this Christian’s faith, meaning, I knew how she believed overall. The Christian doesn’t believe it’s God’s will for all to be healed, only some. The Christian believes that God is in control of everything. Also, they’ve seen so much disappointment that their motivation is almost completely shot. The prayer that the Christian gives is more of a comfort prayer than anything. The Christian hugs and consoles the lady with the migraine, as if that is going to make the migraine better. Nothing happens. I wait till they are done and as the lady is walking out the door. I stop her and ask if I could pray for her. She is a little hesitant to have somebody pray again because she just wants to go home.

My girlfriend and I sat her down and prayed. We prayed a minute and she looked up and said, “Oh my God! What was that? Oh my God!” I said, “How’s your headache?” She said, “It’s gone! There is this electricity running down my spine from the top of my head.” She got healed. Now, the question is. Was it God’s will for this lady to be healed? Yes of course, which is why she got healed. So why didn’t she get healed when the first Christian prayed over her? One reason.. Unbelief. It wasn’t the unbelief of the lady, it was the unbelief of the one praying.

Faith and unbelief has been taught very badly for so many years. We have been taught that faith is a feeling. Faith has no feeling at all, let’s get that straight. Faith is a cold blooded act of your will. When people say, “I just know they’re going to get healed, because I can feel it”, they’re just riding an emotional high. I can’t tell you how many times in the past when I would pray for people and I really felt they were going to get healed and they didn’t. I would get angry at God and tell Him that I had faith, so why didn’t you do your part? It was because I didn’t have faith, more specifically, I didn’t have enough faith for the task at hand. I always did have a measure of faith. We all do. It’s not all the same for everyone though. And your faith can fluctuate up or down, even within in seconds. For example. Peter walks out of the boat on to water. He’s standing on the water, not because Jesus is holding Him up, but because of His faith. He saw Jesus walking on water and it increased faith in him, in just a matter of seconds. He takes a couple of steps, looks at the wind, gets scared, then falls in. Jesus picks peter up, looks at him and says, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?”

Unbelief keeps the Holy Spirit from flowing through a believer. It’s like a clog in a pipe. Once it’s removed, the Holy Spirit can flow through and come out on to the person who the Christian is praying for. God wants to heal all, but because we operate in unbelief and ignorance on how the kingdom and the spirit realm works, we see disappointment. So, blaming God in assuming that He doesn’t want to always heal is the inevitable result. If I pray for a person who is blind, they will have a better chance of Jesus healing them if Heidi Baker prayed for them, then me because her faith level is much higher. That’s because she’s prayed for it way more than I have. I’ve seen partial healing of the blind, but not fully.
 There are other reasons that can be very complicated of why people don’t get healed and it’s not always based on faith. I will for sure talk about those at another time. I want all to know that Jesus already did His part on the cross to make people free of sickness. The ball is in our court now. We are the ones responsible. We have to stop blaming God for us not getting healed. He wants it to happen for many many reasons. Jesus never went up to a person that was sick and told them, “I’d really like to heal you but the Father in heaven is putting the brakes on you getting healed because He’s trying to teach you a lesson about sickness.” You never saw that, ever. Jesus always healed them because it was the will of the Father and Jesus only did what He saw the Father doing.


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