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Book Review of "God Is That You, Me, Or The Devil" by Kevin E. Winters

Lately, I've been asking God to help me understand why some people I pray for do not get healed on the spot.  Using your Kingdom authority as a believer in Jesus in my experience and the reports of other brothers I know that pray for healing see about 70% of people show some sign of improvement or complete healing.  What I'm learning through reading other brother's experiences is there are a multitude of ways we can go about praying for others to be healed.  So many ways...which leads me to an author that hits many topics I've been studying.  I listened to Kevin Winters and the Praying Medic via YouTube and decided to buy Mr. Winters book as recently I've been trying to hear from God as well as see in the Spirit to learn how to pray for people that I may not be able to drive to or a person that I know is not able to take a phone call or have visitors due to the closeness of death and protective state the family often will surround their love one with.  

So being sensitive to that I want to learn how to pray on their behalf for healing.  And all that to say this is what lead me to this excellent book.  I call it a reference because it is so detailed that I cannot read the whole thing in a couple days like most books.  This is one you read and digest and meditate on with scriptures and then practice what you read.  I say it is close to having someone disciple you.  Of course having someone disciple you in person would be the preferred method, but in this day it is hard to find that.  So God gives us people like Kevin Winters to write books for us to help.

"God is That You, Me or the Devil" again is an excellent reference book to have with bible verses if you are interested in practicing many spiritual blessings that we as believers in Jesus have access. 

Mr. Winters speaks about many topics but one in particular that inspired me was when he talks about hearing the voice of God.  When you have little experience on this subject it is helpful to get some advice and biblical support on the topic.  This is what the author does throughout the book on many topics.

For example, if you are trying to learn how to seek God, be still, ask God for dreams and visions and things of that sort, the author provides practical advice.  Here is an small excerpt to demonstrate what I'm trying to explain:

"You should follow the examples of these great men.  When you go to bed look to have a dream or vision. If you do not get a dream or vision get up early and when you pray close your eyes and look for a vision. If you do not get one go throughout your day with your mind stayed on Him and look for a vision or listen for an answer in the thoughts of your heart. If that does not happen get a topical Bible and research the subject.  But whatever you do do not stop looking for an answer. This is what "looking" looks like for those of us who hear for God.  We have learned to look and see."

Another golden nugget to encourage the reader to continue asking God for wisdom in humility:

"..I know that I do not know, so I ask God for the answer and He tells me. And since He is no respecter of persons He will do the same for you."

Concerning the importance of the Word of God in your life:

"The Bible is your first line of defense in discerning the voice of God.  It is His revealed will and should be respected as such."

My final thoughts on this book are hard to put in a summary.  But since I must do just that I will say that if you are attempting to grow closer to God and need help with that this book can help jump start you with ideas, truths, and examples of how one goes about hearing God, discerning the voice of God, seeking God and so much more.  This book is a blessing and I recommend it.


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