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Traits of Controlling Parents

Go to 9 minutes 22 seconds and listen for a minute.

1. Remind you of things they do for you

2. Conditional love
When you go against them they go silent on you.
Children of narcisists are often people pleasers.
Children have a sense that they need to earn love.
Narcisists have no bounderies.  They see them as their property.

3. Jealousy
Narc Mothers with daughters
Narc mothers see everything they are not (youth and beauty)
Work to compete with daughter and to hurt her self esteem.

4. Take credit for your accomplishments only in public but not in private.
They will tell others but they will not tell you that they are proud.

5. Lack of Empathy
No empathy and they cannot deal with you if you are in pain, but rather they enjoy your pain.

6. Infantalize their children
Keep children dependent. How?
Set them up to fail.
Train them to be helpless.
Basics are not taught.
Pull rug out from under children when they are not falling in line with their standards so that the child will fail and come crawling back.

OR They say what happened did not happen. Then they turn it around so that they are the victim.  And they cry and tell you how ungreatful you are.

This can make you feel like you are crazy because their reality is so much different than the one you observe.


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